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冯龙龙 副教授

冯龙龙,副教授,博士,硕士研究生导师,沈阳市高层次人才,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家。Computer Applications in Engineering(SCI)副主编,Modern Agriculture副编委。



主讲本科生课程《机械设计》、《机械原理》等,留学生课程《Machinery design》,《Theory of machines and mechanisms》,研究生课程《科技文献与写作》。主编及参编教材2部,获得省级校级教学成果奖3项。主持包含辽宁省博士启动基金在内的科研教研项目10余项,发表学术论文10余篇。


[1]通讯作者Detection of water content in tomato stems by electrical impedance spectroscopy: Preliminary study[J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2024.中科院1区TOP IF 8.3

[2]第一作者Effect of fruit ripeness on electrical impedance spectrum parameters[J]. LWT, 2024, 208: 116751.中科院1区TOP IF 6

[3]第一作者Frequency selection method with support vector machine to minimize the impact of individual differences on the electrical impedance spectra of fruits[J]. LWT, 2024: 116817.中科院1区TOP IF 6

[4]第一作者. Assessment of Rice Seed Vigour Using Selected Frequencies of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy[J]. Biosystems Engineering, 2021, 209: 53-63.中科院1区TOP IF 5

[5]第一作者Electrical impedance spectroscopy: Potential non-destructive method for aflatoxin B1 in peanut[J]. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 2024: 1-11.中科院3区

[6]第一作者A noninvasive method for detecting frozen injuries in potatoes based on electrical impedance spectroscopy[J]. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2021, 44(5): e13682.中科院3区

[7]第一作者Estimating moisture content and physical properties of sweet potato based on the multiparameter of electrical impedance spectroscopy[J]. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2020, 44(10): e14775.中科院3区

[8]第一作者Design, implementation and evaluation of MOOCs and DBL‐based cross‐registration[J]. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2018, 26(2):405-412.中科院4区

[9]第一作者Nondestructive detection of mechanical damage to citrus fruit based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization.2025中科院3区






[5]主持唐山市科技局 果树剪枝机器人关键技术研究 (唐山学院 联合申请)2022


[1]国家级 大学生机械设计大赛 二等奖2024;

[2]国家级 第十六届高教杯全国大学生先进成图技术大赛 三等奖2023;

[3]校级 大学生寒假社会实践活动优秀指导教师2023;

[4]校级 辽宁省高校本科大学生智慧农业创新创业大赛校赛三等奖2023;

[5]校级 优秀本科毕业设计一等奖,陈卫晨,2023;

[6]省级 辽宁省大学生金相技能大赛,一等奖2022;

[7]国家级 中国机器人及人工智能大赛,二等奖2021;





[2]校级 主持 在线开放课程项目《机械原理》2019。